Please email us at to inquire about any of our affiliate or cross-promotional marketing opportunities.
FREE eCommerce Cross Promotions
We offer a number of ways to cross-promote your product or website with at no cost to you:
- Entice your site visitors to subscribe, sign-up, or buy your products with a FREE Dogtag branded with your site.
- Offer your members or visitors a permanent discount to with your own branded coupon code or special dogtag keyword.
- Create a contest giveaway with our custom Gift Certificates.
FREE Dogtags for Product Review
If you run an active website, blog, gift idea, product review, box-opening site or Youtube channel that caters to a similar audience as we would be pleased to send you a FREE evaluation set of dogtags for review.
FREE Photographer Photoshoot Dogtag Set
Are you an amateur or professional photographer with a interest in shooting dogtags? If you share your photographs with us and on social media we would be pleased to send you some FREE dogtags and related items for your shoot. We prefer "action" shots with dogtags being worn by people or being used in unique situations. Please email and include some of your work or a link to your portfolio website.
In exchange for the dogtags we request royalty-free web-sized copies of at least 2 photographs for use on our website and facebook page. If we use your photos we will credit you with a link back to your portfolio.
Link Back to
Link to us by either creating your own dogtag image using the Dogtag Generator or use one of the following link templates. We can link back to you via a high quality relevant link into an appropriate dogtag idea section
Large Banner for Web
Medium Banner for Web
Large Dogtag for Web
Medium Dogtag for Web
Small Dogtag for Web
Dogtags on Chains for Web
Text Link for Web
Military Dog Tags - Design and order your own custom dog tags with the online dog tag generator!
Social Media
Similar to "tweeting" or "facebook posting" and article or phrase, now you can make it appear on a dogtag!
Promo Card
Download a Hi-Res PDF of our promo card with 10% discount to print and give away!
Custom Template
For advanced webmasters we suggest that you preconfigure a custom dogtag generator template for your website users so that when they click on our banner they will see dogtags on our site that you have already created for them! You can even set a discount promo code (if you pre-arrange it with us first).
Simply create your dogtags on the dogtag generator page and then click the "TinyURL" button .
You can then copy and paste this link code into your own website.
Please note that if you are using an image created by the dogtag generator on a commercial website it must be hyperlinked back to