U.S. Army modern regulation format Dog Tags, mil-spec embossed stainless steel.
Use as a replacement or spare for regulation issued set. This format is for soldiers who were issued tags after 2015 using a DoD number (EDIPI) which replaces the pre-2015 format (which we offer as our Cold War / Desert Storm Dog Tags) using the Social Security number.
Army format tags are formally issued to personnel of the U.S. Army, Army National Guard, Army Reserve, Department of the Army (DA) civilians overseas, and other authorized civilian personnel.
To assist with making replica regulation Army Dog Tags we have created a template that automatically formats the information to the era-specific layout. Alternatively, if you have the original Dog Tags in-hand it may be easier to just recreate them directly on the Dog Tag Maker page, or just email us us a photo of them and we can do it for you.
Explore more Army Dog Tags templates for
U.S. Military Dog Tags set includes:

What is the evolution of US Army Dog Tags?
- Dec 20 1906 : Introduction of single Dog Tag by General Order No. 24.
- Jul 06 1916 : Introduction of second Dog Tag (complete pair).
- Feb 12 1918 : Introduction of Army Serial Number(as a result of too many identical names e.g. Smith, Brown, Jones, etc)
- Oct 1938 : Testing for Introduction of new ID Tag
- Feb 15 1940 : Official stocklist number & nomenclature adopted "TAG, IDENTIFICATION, M-1940 - Stock No. 74-T-60"
- 1940 : 1st type Dec 1940 - Nov 1941
- 1941 : 2nd type Nov 1941 - Jul 1943
- 1943 : Bead Neckchain & Extension Stock No. 74-N-300 adopted
- 1943 : 3rd type Jul 1943 - Mar 1944
- 1944 : 4th type Mar 1944 - Apr 1946
- Jul 17 1947 : New prefix for Enlisted Menβs Dog Tags RA Regular Army
- Sep 02 1949 : Army Air Forces introduces special prefixes for Enlisted Men and Women: AA Enlisted WAF (Woman in the Air Force), AD Aviation Cadet, AF Enlisted Airman, AO Air Force Officer
- Sep 02 1949 : New Army Regulations AR 615-30 and replacement of "Army Serial Number" designation by "Army Service Number"
- 1950 : Introduction of the "Rh" factor on Dog Tags, with indication of either "POS" or "NEG" after Blood Type.
- Early 1950 : Introduction of new prefixes for Enlisted Men & Women: RO Regular Army Soldier with Reserve Officerβs Commission, WL Regular Army WAC with Reserve Officerβs Commission
- 1952 : Introduction of the letter "X" to designate other religious affiliations not covered under Protestant/Catholic/Jewish faith groups, and the letter "Y" for those who did not have a religious preference. The letter "J" replaced "H" for Jewish US servicemen.
- 1960 : Notched Dog Tags are no longer used, as new Embossing Machines donβt require them for positioning.
- Late 1960 : Tetanus inoculation is no longer indicated.
- Nov 1962 : Religion codes (i.e. P, C, H) were replaced with the soldierβs religion fully spelled out (i.e. Catholic, Protestant).
- 1964 : Introduction of new prefix for Officers, O is replaced by OF
- Oct 1967: : Introduction of "Social Security Number" (SSN) instead of "Army Service Number" (ASN)
- Jun 30 1969: : Use of "Army Service Number" terminated.
- Aug 12 2012: SSN is replaced by DoD ID (10 Digits no hyphens) in accordance with DODI 1000.30
Cited from Alain Batens
Army Dog Tags Template Creator
Enter your info into the form below to easily create replica Army Dog Tags. You can often find this information on DD 214 discharge papers. Watch this YouTube video for a demo. You can also design your tags free-form without using this template, or use our pen-and-paper mail/fax order form, or just send us an email with a description or photo of the original Dog Tags.
Overwrite the light grey text with your particulars and then click the Preview button. You can then make optional changes to your design (i.e. hole/notch location) or choose different chains and silencers on the following preview page.
What is the Army Dog Tags format?
Our replica Army Dog Tags have Embossed (raised) text on a 2" x 1⅛" dull stainless steel Dog Tag, rolled edge up, hole on left with the suggested regulation format:
- [Last Name], [First Name] [Initial].
- [First Name] [Initial]. (if last name is too long on line 1)
- [DoD ID Number] (if issued after Dec 2015)
- [Blood Group] [Rh factor]
- [Religion] (or NO PREFERENCE)
The SSN was replaced by DoD ID aka EDIPI (10 Digits no hyphens) in accordance with DODI 1000.30 on Aug 12, 2012, formalized by Army Pamphlet 600-8-14 On Nov 30, 2015, and reinforced on July 7, 2017 in a memo by the Department of the Army. Prior to that the US Army switched from using Service Numbers to SSN's in July 1969. If the full name cannot fit on line 1, put the last name on line 1, and the first name and middle initial on line 2, subsequent entries shift down one line each. If a U.S. National, the name should be the same as shown on passport or ID card. Blood type is recorded as A, B, AB, or O, followed by POS or NEG, do not use plus + or - signs. Religion should be spelled out when possible.
The most recent and/or applicable Army Dog Tags regulations can be found in Department of the Army Pamphlet 600β8β14, Army Identification Tags, May 6, 2020
Army Dog Tags Photos
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More About U.S. Military Dog Tags
Authentic modern and historic USA Custom Military Dog Tags that will exceed your expectations⦠for Soldiers, Marines, Sailors, Airmen, Veterans, and their families.
Available in modern U.S.A. mil-spec embossed standard-issue, debossed with an optional historical notch, or laser engraved British tags and Canadian Identity Discs. We can recreate replacement personalized Military Dog Tags for Active Duty, Reserve, National Guard, and Veterans.
What Goes on a Dog Tag? See our example templates for each branch of the U.S. military with links to the official modern format specifications in PDF.
Soldier Dog Tags make sentimental mementos for honoring the war service of the veteran in your family for passing down to grandchildren as a family heirloom. We can recreate era specific Dog Tags from historical wars such as WWII, Korea and Vietnam.
Lost Dogtags
Are you a veteran who lost his Dog Tags years ago? We can make you a new set that look almost identical to your originals depending on when you served. We also offer a Veteran discount!
Memorial Keepsakes
Recreations of personal historical Dog Tags from specific war eras make sentimental souvenir mementos to honor the memory of a loved one.
Commemorate your grandfather, father, or other veteran family members who served in the military with a recreation set of replica Dog Tags to match their originals.
Military Family Dogtags
Is one of your relatives in the military? Support your soldier with a Military Family Dogtag.
Not to be used for impersonation!
Not only is Stolen Valor unethical and disrespecful to our service members and veterans, it IS illegal in most jurisdications to impersonate a member of the armed forces. Unlike Military ID Cards, dogtags are not a valid form of official military identification so it is not illegal per se to wear them. However lying about military service or trying to pass yourself of as a service member or vet by wearing a uniform or medals that were not earned is criminalized in some circumstances, especially if done with the goal of obtaining money or other kinds of tangible benefits. Under no circumstances should dog tags be worn with this intent.
Giving back to Veterans
MyDogTag.com supports our military and veteran community by actively sponsoring Military, Veteran, and P.T.S.D. charities and organizations with free Dog Tags, often in memory and support of deceased and injured veterans and their families.
U.S. Military Dog Tags Frequently Asked Questions
Does the military still issue Dog Tags?
Are these real military Dog Tags?
Why do soldiers have 2 Dog Tags?
Do soldiers have to wear Dog Tags?
Where can I find official specs for USA military Dog Tags?
Where can I find the official records to put on the Dog Tags?
Where can I research my relative's military records?
Were civilians ever issued Dog Tags?
Were 'Military Brats' ever issued Dog Tags?
About Dog Tags from MyDogtag.com
At MyDogtag.com, we provide premium quality Personalized Military Dog Tags for sale that will last a lifetime. They are completely customizable so you can easily order G.I. replica Dog Tags as per military specs, or use your own design for any other use or occasion. The tag starts as a blank canvas, what you put on it is entirely your choice... you aren't obligated to put official Military Dog Tag info on it. You also get to see a preview of what your finished Dog Tag set will look like before you even order it! We can even laser engrave your custom logo or image!
All orders are shipped within 1 business day and are usually delivered within 1 week (in North America). If you need any assistance creating or ordering your Army Dog Tags please contact us directly, we are here to help!
See what our other satisfied customers have been saying!
More Questions and Info about our Dog tags.
- What are the specs of the Dog Tags do you offer?
- What's the difference between Embossed and Debossed?
- What Chain sizes and fasteners are available?
- What are silencers for?
- Why do some Dog Tags not come with silencers?
- What can I put on my Dog Tags?
- What characters are allowed on my Dog Tag?
- How can I fit more characters on my Dog Tag?
- Do you make BRAILLE Dog Tags?
- Are these real military Dog Tags?
- Why are two tags issued in each set? Can I order only one?
- How do you make your Dog Tags?
- Are Dog Tags suitable for small children?
- What are the official specifications for USA Military Dog Tags?
- What are the official specifications for Canadian ID Discs?
- Where can I learn more about Dog Tags?
Still have questions? Please see our comprehensive FAQ