Identify your easily lost or stolen expensive outdoor gear and vehicles⦠rifles, gun cases, traps, tackleboxes, boats, atvs, and even your hunting dog!
Military-Spec Dog Tags are made of embossed stainless steel, which means they won't rust in harsh outdoor environments (even salt water) and the letters wont wear off like engraved tags.
Many State Fish & Wildlife departments now require that weather resistant owner identification tags be attached to animal traps such as those used for crabbing or furbearers.
See what our satisfied customers have been saying about our Outdoorsman Dog Tags!
Outdoorsman Dog Tags set includes:
Outdoorsman Dog Tags Layouts & Ideas
Personalize your Outdoorsman Dog Tags and see a preview of what they will look like before ordering. Not sure how to design your tags? Use one of these Outdoorsman Dog Tags layouts or suggestions to get started:
- π¦ Crab Trap ID Tags
- π₯ Dogtag Survival Kit Case
- π¦ Fur Trap ID Tags
- βΊ Camping Gear Dog Tags
- π£ Tackle Box Dog Tags
- π¦ Hunting Dog Tags
FWC Crab Trap ID Tagsπ¦
The Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission requires ID tags to be attached to each recreational saltwater crab and fishing trap (up to a maximum of 5) to identify the owner.
See more details about our FWC (Florida) Crab Trap ID Tags, or Customize & Buy using the FWC Crab Trap Dog Tag Template now!
LDWF Crab Trap ID Tagsπ¦
The Louisiana Department of Wildlife & Fisheries requires ID tags to be attached to each recreational saltwater crab trap (up to a maximum of 10) to identify the owner.
See more details about our LDWF (Louisiana) Crab Trap ID Tags, or Customize & Buy using the LDWF Crab Trap Dog Tag Template now!
NCDMF Crab Trap ID Tagsπ¦
The North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries requires ID tags to be attached to each Recreational Commercial Gear Licensed (RCGL) crab trap buoy (up to a maximum of 5) to identify the owner and fishing vessel.
See more details about our NCDMF (North Carolina) Crab Trap ID Tags, or Customize & Buy using the NCDMF Crab Trap Dog Tag Template now!
MDMR Crab Trap ID Tagsπ¦
The Mississippi Department of Marine Resources requires ID tags to be attached to each recreational saltwater crab trap (up to a maximum of 6) to identify the owner.
See more details about our MDMR (Mississippi) Crab Trap ID Tags, or Customize & Buy using the MDMR Crab Trap Dog Tag Template now!
Dogtag Pillboxπ
For over 100 years military Dog Tags have been carrying critical information about the wearer... now they can carry even more with the DogTag Pillbox!
See more details about our Dogtag Pillbox, or Customize & Buy Dog Tags now!
Fur Trap ID Tagsπ¦
Certain jurisdictions with special trapping restrictions require metal ID tags to be attached to furbearer traps to identify the owner of the trap.
See more details about our Fur Trap ID Tags, or Customize & Buy now!
Camping Gear Dog TagsβΊ

When youβre off on a camping trip, youβll want to make sure you label all of your backpacks, tents and other gear that might accidentally get left behind when you pack up and move on. Because our Dog Tags are made from military grade stainless steel, they can keep up with all your rugged outdoor activities.
See more details about our Camping Gear Dog Tags, or Customize & Buy Dog Tags now!
Tackle Box Dog Tagsπ£

Your fishing tackle box may contain hundreds of dollars worth of lures and tools. If you accidentally leave it behind at the lake, in the boat, or on the dock make sure the person who finds it can contact you with an ID tag.
See more details about our Tackle Box Dog Tags, or Customize & Buy Dog Tags now!
Hunting Dog Tagsπ¦

Protect your rifle investment, just clip your ID dogtag onto the zipper of your rifle bag in case it gets lost or stolen, especially when on a hunting trip.
See more details about our Hunting Dog Tags, or Customize & Buy Dog Tags now!
Outdoorsman Dog Tags Accessories
Other products related to Outdoorsman Dog Tags:
More About Outdoorsman Dog Tags

About Dog Tags from
At, we provide premium quality Personalized Military Dog Tags for sale that will last a lifetime. They are completely customizable so you can easily order G.I. replica Dog Tags as per military specs, or use your own design for any other use or occasion. The tag starts as a blank canvas, what you put on it is entirely your choice... you aren't obligated to put official Military Dog Tag info on it. You also get to see a preview of what your finished Dog Tag set will look like before you even order it! We can even laser engrave your custom logo or image!
All orders are shipped within 1 business day and are usually delivered within 1 week (in North America). If you need any assistance creating or ordering your Outdoorsman Dog Tags please contact us directly, we are here to help!
See what our other satisfied customers have been saying!
More Questions and Info about our Dog tags.
- What are the specs of the Dog Tags do you offer?
- What's the difference between Embossed and Debossed?
- What Chain sizes and fasteners are available?
- What are silencers for?
- Why do some Dog Tags not come with silencers?
- What can I put on my Dog Tags?
- What characters are allowed on my Dog Tag?
- How can I fit more characters on my Dog Tag?
- Do you make BRAILLE Dog Tags?
- Are these real military Dog Tags?
- Why are two tags issued in each set? Can I order only one?
- How do you make your Dog Tags?
- Are Dog Tags suitable for small children?
- What are the official specifications for USA Military Dog Tags?
- What are the official specifications for Canadian ID Discs?
- Where can I learn more about Dog Tags?
Still have questions? Please see our comprehensive FAQ