Why should I buy my Dog Tags from Mydogtag.com?
We know you have many choices when it comes to buying customized Dog Tags which is why at MyDogtag.com our goal is to provide the best quality mil-spec dogtags, service, and delivery time to our customers. We are confident that you will be extremely satisfied with your order.
Low Price
At $8.99 for a complete set of custom dogtags with chains and silencers, it's hard to find a less expensive personalized item. We also offer military discounts and scaling bulk discounts when you order 3 or more sets.
High Quality
Our stainless steel military specification dogtags and chains are suitable for use by military personnel and are designed to last a lifetime!
Unique Customization System
Our custom built online dogtag generator is one of a kind. It allows you to see exactly what your dogtags will look like before paying. As you scroll down through the steps you can choose your personalized text, font type, dogtag style, silencer style, chain or fastener style, and even a gift sac! When finished, just click the update button to see what it all looks like together. Be creative!
Largest Selection of Options
With over 16 different materials and colors of dogtags, 30 colors of silencers, 25 chains and fastener types, and 10 gift packages we are certain you will find exactly what you need.
We offer both modern embossed and vintage debossed type fonts, the choice is yours!
Our extensive selection of special characters and emojis is NOT offered at most other dogtag manufacturers! Our most popular are the army star ★, a heart for lovers ♥, and a crucifix ✝ for Christians. In addition the @ sign allows for an email address, ° for degree co-ordinates, © for copyrighting your dogtags, brackets for making smileys and emoticons:-) ;-), + and - characters for specifying blood type, and even the $ symbol for making price tags!
Fast Shipping
All orders are shipped within 1 business day of being placed. Often they are shipped on the same day if it is placed before 10:00 EST. Most customers receive their order in about 1 week.
Lots of Happy Customers
We have supplied dogtags to tens of thousands of happy customers since 2006, many of whom have left feedback on our Facebook page. Don't take our word for it, see for yourself!
We pride ourselves on our level of customer support. One of our staff is usually available to help you via the online chat interface, but if not just send us an email and it will be answered within one business day.
See more reasons on Why to By Dog Tags from us on our Blog Post!
Ready? … Customize My Dogtags Now!
Dog Tags
What are the specs of your Dog Tags?
We have the largest selection of dogtag styles, materials and colors to choose from, most of them based on military specifications with rolled edges and either modern Embossed raised lettering, or vintage WWII style Debossed lettering.
Both dogtags in a set must be of the same style.
See complete details and specifications for each type of tag and plate.
What's the difference between Embossed and Debossed?
See our in-depth blog post on Five Ways to Stamp Your Dog Tags to learn about the available customization methods we offer.
Military issue dogtags are imprinted with one of two types of letters: Embossed or Debossed.
The United States Military currently accepts either type of text imprinting since they still use both types of machines, however the modern embossed type is far more common and is what mydogtag.com recommends for most people since it is easier to read and we offer a larger selection of characters than the debossed type. We allow you to choose either type of printing for any style of dogtag, both of which are made with the same computer controlled machine.
Embossed Letters
Embossing is the method where the metal is deformed so that letters are raised ABOVE the surface of the dogtag, similar to the way a name and number looks on a plastic credit card.
This is the modern military standard and is the type that most people prefer.
Debossed Letters
Debossing is the method where the metal is deformed so that letters are sunken BELOW the surface of dogtag. These look they have been stamped or indented into the dogtag. These can be harder to read than embossed tags.
This was the most common type issued during WWII, Korea and Vietnam era wars and was issued on a notched dogtag with the rolled edge down. We recommend choosing the debossed type for the Notched style dogtag to be consistent with the era.
We are one of the very few dogtag manufacturers to make our debossed dogtags with a modern computer controlled debossing machine to ensure accuracy and uniformity. (Most other suppliers use WWII era human operated Addressograph machines).
Braille Characters
See Braille Dogtags Section for details.
Ready to Choose? … Customize My Dogtags Now!
Will your dogtags match my originals?
We always want our customers, especially veterans, to get the tags that they want. There are many ways to set up and make tags and we try to offer clear choices to our customers so they can pick what they want, such as our vast array of era and branch specific templates.
We want you to get tags that are as close to your original issue tags as possible, bearing in mind that we can never truly replace your original tags and what they mean to you and your service.
From WW2 onwards the US military has issued tens of millions of dog tags and there is a lot of variety in them. Over the years the types and compositions of metal used has changed (i.e. monel, brass, and stainless steel), the thickness of the tags have changed, the shape of the tags have changed, the machines used to make them have changed, the fonts used have changed, the regulations have changed, and on top of that how the individual operators make the tags varies a lot. These differences can persist for decades so that tags issued at the same time can look and be different from each other.
We offer more customization features for our tags than any other company to accommodate for many of these differences. For example you can select your dogtag shape, notch, orientation, font style, font spacing, historical chains, historical silencers, etc. We also are always making improvements to our website and our products based on both research and customer feedback.
We strive to make our replica tags look authentic to the period and branch, however if you select DEBOSSED tags (WWII through Vietnam era) please note that these tags are by design more difficult to read. This type of text was intended for machines (in WW2) to make carbon copies of the tag's information and readability by our eyes was a lesser concern.
Some veterans, or their family members, will choose to use modern military embossed (raised) lettering on their tags. It is less authentic to the original issue however they are much easier to read. Likewise some tags were issued on machines that had different font types including embossed fonts. The machines that were used to make dog tags were standard business machines in use by 1000s of companies and organizations across the US and around the world. It was not uncommon for a military base or office to end up getting a machine with different font set from the standard military ones. Depending on when and where your original issue tags were made the machine could have a different font set installed.
When looking at original tags from the 40s, 50s, 60s etc. over the years the DEBOSS indents may have filled up a bit with grease, grime, dirt etc. from the environment. Rubbing in black shoe polish mimics this naturally occurring darkening of the letters with the added benefit of making them easier to read.
You can read review feedback from our many satisified military and veteran customers who have ordered dogtags for active use or as a sentimental memorbilia.
Ready to Choose? … Customize My Dogtags Now!
What Chain sizes and fasteners are available?
We have the largest selection of Dog Tag Chains and fasteners in many materials, styles and colors to choose from, based on military specifications where required.
You should select whichever fastener is most appropriate for your purpose. You can choose a different fastener for each tag so you are free to mix and match. All of our ballchains are made in the USA
For wearing on your neck, you should opt for the traditional military style 30" inch long chain and the 4" short chain which attaches your second tag to the long chain. If a chain is too long for your liking, you can easily shorten it using wire cutters.
Our military grade stainless-steel chains are made in the USA
and designed to last a lifetime!
Alternatively you could consider selecting 2 neck chains...keep 1 tag for yourself and give the other to a friend!
See complete details and specifications for each type of chain and fastener.
What are silencers for?
Silencers are the elastic rings that fit around the edge of your dogtags. Their military purpose is to act as a "bumper" to prevent the tags from "clinking" together thereby limiting noise in the field, but they also look pretty cool!
We offer a wide choice of colors and patterns to suit your individual preference, and you can preview what they will look on your tags with the tag previewer!. Sometimes the silencer may cover a tiny portion of the text on your tag, however it can usually be manipulated so that all of the text is visible.
Installing your silencers:
- Slip the dog tag into the inner channel of the silencer.
- Line up the hole in the dog tag with the small hole in the silencer.
- Stretch the silencer around the tag.
We offer both Silicone and Latex Rubber silencers depending on your requirements. We also offer mini silencers for our mini dogtags!
Silicone Silencers
Silicone rubber is highly inert and does not react with most chemicals, is resistant to heat, and is hypoallergenic so it won't cause skin rashes.
Note that the silicone rubber will eventually wear down over time and may tear, this is especially likely when used with pets like dogs as they are exposed to much more friction due to pet's activities. Furthermore, your pet may try to chew off the silencer and eat it which may be a health hazard. We recommend that you not select a silencer if this to be used on a pet, or instead choose our more durable Latex Rubber Silencers.
Organic Latex Rubber Silencers
Organic latex rubber is stronger than silicone but not as stretchy. It will last longer and won't come off the dogtag as easily, but is also more difficult to put on. If you have an allergy to latex rubber DO NOT order these as it may cause a skin rash. These work better for pets since they are much more durable.
Why do some dogtags not come with silencers?
Silencers are included for free with our mil-spec and most standard shaped dogtags, however they are not included in the following situations:
- Non Standard shape or size... because silencers are only available in one size for standard shaped dogtags. But we do offer a mini black silencer for our mini dogtags!
- Notched dogtags... because notched dogtags are traditionally not worn with silencers. A silencer would cover the notch, thus defeating the aesthetic purpose of a notched tag.
- 2-Hole dogtags... because a silencer would cover one of the holes, thus defeating the purpose of a 2 hole dogtag.
- Shifted Text dogtags... because the text is shifted to the left (to fit more of it) a silencer would completely cover some of the letters.
Nevertheless, if you still require a silencer for one of these forementioned tags, you may still purchase is separately from the silencer accessories page (it is not included in the cost of the dogtag set).
What can I put on my Dogtags?
You can have any text you want stamped on the dog tags...it's entirely up to you and it will not be censored by us. Many choose to have their tags stamped in various military styles with last name, first name, social security number, blood type, and religion.
See our blog post on What Numbers go on Military Dog Tags.
What characters are allowed on my tag?
The font is fixed and looks the same as in the tag previewer. The following characters for EMBOSS type are allowed (other fonts like DEBOSS and EMBOSS LARGE have a smaller set of characters):
Character Description A…Z UPPERCASE Alphabet Letters 0…9 Numbers Ø Slashed 0 _ Underscore / UnderBar ¯ Upperscore / Overline / Overbar / Macron - Minus / Dash + Plus = Equal % Percent & Ampersand " Double Quote / Seconds ' Single Quote / Minutes ° Degree • Bullet . Period , Comma : Colon - useful for smileys :-) ; Semicolon - useful for smileys ;-) * Asterisk # Hash / Hashtag / Pound / Octothorp ? Question Mark $ Dollar ! Exclamation Mark ( Open Parenthesis ) Close Parenthesis / Forward Slash \ Back Slash Space @ at sign @ - For email addresses © Copyright Symbol ® Trademark Symbol ™ Registered Trademark Symbol ✝ Crucifix (represents Christianity) ✡ Star of David (represents Judaism) ♡ Heart ☆ Military Star (represents Army) ⌵ Chevron (for military ranks) ⋱ Left Wing (ideal with symbol in between 2 wings) ⋰ Right Wing (ideal with symbol in between 2 wings) 💎 Diamond (looks like an Airborne Parachute) ⚓ Anchor (represents Navy, Marines, & Coast Guard) 🐾 Paw print (for pet tags) 🍁 Canadian Maple leaf
The BRAILLE Font ⠿ option allows for All 64 six-cell BRAILLE characters. These can also be combined with the regular EMBOSS characters above when on a separate row.
Extensive selection of special characters
Our extensive selection of special characters is NOT offered at most other dogtag manufacturers! The @ sign allows you to put an email address on your dogtags, the brackets can be used to make smileys :-) and the ©,®™ symbols allows you to copyright unique phrases and trademark designs on your dogtags! The star ☆, cross ✝, Star of David ✡, heart ♡, anchor ⚓, diamond (parachute) 💎, paw print 🐾, and maple leaf
symbols are custom made and are not available anywhere else!
If there is a special character that you need that you don't see here, ask us about our laser engraving options where we can make and character.
Use your imagination to create your own ascii art dog tags!
Can I sequentially serialize my Dog Tags?
Are you making Dog Tags for crab-traps, a membership system, or industrial infrastructure tagging? Do you need to be able to automatically add a sequential number to each of your tags? Try our Serialization option and save yourself the hassle of manually updating each tag in your set!
How can I fit more characters on my Dogtag?
Our various dogtag styles allow for different number of CPL (characters per line) depending on the size, shape, and special characteristics of the dogtag.
You can adjust the characters-per-line in two ways, using both can allow you to squeeze in up to 3 extra characters per standard sized dogtag:
- Start Position
This setting shifts the first letter closer to the edge of the dogtag. Although it allows for one extra character to be squeezed in, it is at the expense of it being partially covered by a silencer if used.
- Character Density
This is the spacing between each character on a line measured in characters per inch (CPI). The standard setting of 10 CPI makes the tag easier to read. The higher density setting of 11 CPI allows you to squeeze in up to 2 more characters, but in some cases the letters are so close together it may not look as nice as 10CPI.
STANDARD Start Position at 10 CPI
Our STANDARD format dogtags consist of 5 lines with the following number of characters per line:
- 14
- 15
- 15
- 15
- 14
This allows for a silencer to be installed on a dogtag without covering any of your text so that it is readable. This is our default format and we recommend using it unless you absolutely need more space.
SHIFTED Start Position at 10 CPI
Choosing the SHIFTED start position option will give you one more character per line. In order to make space for one more character the entire line is shifted a few millimeters left towards the hole, however this is at the expense of edge characters being covered up and partially or completely hidden by the silencer (as per the image shown here):
- 15
- 16
- 16
- 16
- 15
In this case we recommend that you do not order a silencer since it would obscure some characters on your dogtag.
STANDARD Start Position at 11 CPI
With a STANDARD start position and high density 11 characters-per-inch you gain up to 2 characters per line such that there are 5 lines with the following number of characters:
- 16
- 17
- 17
- 17
- 16
This allows for a silencer to be installed on a dogtag without covering any of your text so that it is visible. However at the higher density 11 CPI some of the characters may be touching and it will be slightly harder to read.
SHIFTED Start Position at 11 CPI
Choosing the SHIFTED start position at high density 11 CPI will give you up to 3 more characters per line, the maximum allowed. In order to make space for one more character the entire line is shifted a few millimeters left towards the hole, however this is at the expense of edge characters being covered up and partially or completely hidden by the silencer (as per the image shown here). At 11 CPI some letters may be touching making it a bit harder to read.
- 17
- 18
- 18
- 18
- 17
In this case we recommend that you do not order a silencer since it would obscure some characters on your dogtag.
- Start Position
Do you make BRAILLE dogtags?
Yes - We can make your custom BRAILLE dogtags and signs for FAR less than a typical braille sign manufacturer. Choose from a selection of different sized dogtags, plaques, and materials to make your own custom braille tag!
Unlike other braille dogtags available on the web, ours are machine made to ensure accuracy and uniformity. Made of 304 stainless steel they won't wear down as quickly as plastic.
Using our pre-assigned BRAILLE keypad buttons you can quickly create basic braille letters, numbers and punctuation. More advanced users can use our custom braille-cell creator to make any 6 dot combination of Grade 1, Grade 2, or any Braille contraction that you require including all of the following dot combinations:
⠁ ⠂ ⠃ ⠄ ⠅ ⠆ ⠇ ⠈ ⠉ ⠊ ⠋ ⠌ ⠍ ⠎ ⠏ ⠐ ⠑ ⠒ ⠓ ⠔ ⠕ ⠖ ⠗ ⠘ ⠙ ⠚ ⠛ ⠜ ⠝ ⠞ ⠟ ⠠ ⠡ ⠢ ⠣ ⠤ ⠥ ⠦ ⠧ ⠨ ⠩ ⠪ ⠫ ⠬ ⠭ ⠮ ⠯ ⠰ ⠱ ⠲ ⠳ ⠴ ⠵ ⠶ ⠷ ⠸ ⠹ ⠺ ⠻ ⠼ ⠽ ⠾ ⠿ See some example Braille dogtags here.
What is Braille?
Braille is a system that enables blind and visually impaired people to read and write through touch. A cell is made up of six dots that fit under the fingertips, arranged in two columns of three dots each. Each cell represents a letter, a word, a combination of letters, a numeral or a punctuation mark. See Braille:Deciphering the Code or a basic Braille specification guide from BrailleAuthority.org. -
Are these real military dog tags?
Yes - these are the real thing - shiny stainless steel, rolled edge, embossed using the same machinery and font for current United States military spec dog tags.
We also engrave Canadian Forces military style dogtags which are designed to be broken in two, see here for the official specifications.
Why are two tags issued in each set? Can I order only one?
For traditional military purposes, two dog tags are issued to each soldier. In the unfortunate case that he is killed in combat, one tag would stay with the body (sometimes attached to the toe using the short chain) and the other tag would go with a scout and eventually to the next of kin.
To keep things simple, we only sell our tags in sets of two, and as you can put different text on each tag, we're sure you can find a use for both of them!
How do you make your dogtags?
We purchase the blank tags from the same manufacturer who supplies the United States military. The embossing data which you submit online is fed directly into our ultra-high precision computer controlled embossing machine, avoiding the possibility of human input error. Watch a movie of it in action!
Do you offer Gold Plating or other Add-on Services?
We offer multiple add-on services to further enhance your Dog Tags after we customize them with personalized text. You can indeed perform some of these yourself, but we still offer them as a convenience:
- Pre-Assembly
Make life easier by having both of your Dog Tags pre-assembled with silencers and chains, ready to wear. Most people can easily assemble it themselves. This service is useful for people with arthritis or limited hand dexterity.
- Gold Plating
Looking to add a little something extra to your Dog Tags to make them stand out? With our Gold Electroplating service we can add a thin layer of 24K Gold to any of our stainless steel Dog Tags!
- Deboss Darkening
Sometimes the letters on vintage debossed Dog Tags (from WWII, Korea, Vietnam, etc) would darken over time as the result of an accumulation of dirt and grime. This effect can be easily replicated on newly made tags using black shoe polish
- Image Engraving
Do you need a picture or custom logo on a Dog Tag? Do you require a font or characters that are not available on our regular embossed Dog Tags? We can Laser Engrave your custom black & white artwork anywhere on a tag, even as background image which you can then emboss over top with your text!
- Ageing of Tags
Older vintage tags are sometimes tarnished and have a darkened "battle-worn" look to them. One way to achieve this finish is to order our high-carbon Rust Prone tags. However, our Stainless steel tags can also be aged using the coffee-ground method.
- Pre-Assembly
Are dogtags suitable for small children?
As the tag sets contain small parts, they pose a choking hazard and as such are NOT suitable for small children, infants, or toddlers. However they do make great souvenirs for the birth of military babies!
What are the official specifications for USA Military Dogtags?
What are the official specifications for Canadian ID Discs?
- Article CFAO 26.4 -.IDENTITY DISCS (originally from http://admfincs.mil.ca which is no longer active)
Where can I learn more about dogtags?
Check out the Dogtag Wikipedia article.
What payment methods do you accept?
We accept Major Credit Cards, PayPal, Interac EMT (Canada only), MoneyGram, and postal mail orders. If you use an online payment method that is not listed here please contact us so that we can consider accepting it.
Credit Card and PayPal
- Paypal transfer
- Visa
- MasterCard
- Discover
- American Express
- eCheck Bank Transfer
PayPal is the trusted leader in processing online credit card payments. Upon checkout you will be redirected to the secure PayPal payment page which uses 128 bit SSL encryption along with various anti-fraud detection measures to ensure the security of your credit card information which is NEVER revealed to us.
Pre-paid credit cards are apparently not support by PayPal because a mailing address is not associated with this type of card. You can try to see if it works, but if it doesn't you would need to use an alternate form of payment.
Interac EMT
Interac e-Transfer payment is offered to customers with an online account at most Major Canadian banks. Upon checkout you must login to your bank's online system in order to send a payment, and you may be charged a service fee (usually around $1.50).
This is an ideal payment option for Canadian customers who don't have a credit card but who don't want to wait for the time it takes for a mail order payment.
See the Interac EMT website for more details on how to send funds from your Canadian bank's online banking interface.
Mail Orders
In order to prevent check and money order fraud we only accept CASH or USPS money orders via mail. You can send the cash amount in ANY currency such as euros, sterling, USD, CAD, Swiss Francs, etc. Use Google to convert from USD to your local currency.
Cash Transfer Remittance
We can accept transfers via Western Union, Moneygram, or Xoom for orders over $50. Note that these services generally incur high sending fees. Please contact us if you would like to use one of these methods.
Can I mail or Fax in my order?
We highly recommend placing your order directly on our website as it allows for many more options than the printable order forms and it will get to you much faster. However If you prefer to print and fill out our paper order form by hand you may mail or fax it back to us and pay with credit card, cash, or a postal money order.
Download and Print USA Military Dogtag Order Form.
Download and Print Canadian Military Dogtag Order Form.
If yu don't have access to a printer, we can even mail an order form directly to your address.
Do you charge sales tax?
Sales tax is charged to residents of Canada as follows:
- Residents of Ontario, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland and Labrador: 13% HST
- Residents of Nova Scotia: 15% HST
- Residents of British Columbia: 12% HST
- Residents of other Canadian Provinces and Territories: 5% GST
Do you offer a product guarantee, warranty or refunds?
👍 We stand behind our products, and if we make a mistake on your customized dogtag or nameplate, or it is in some way defective, we will send replacements at our expense. However, it is important that you review your order carefully yourself to ensure that you didn't make any spelling or date mistakes on your dogtags. Since they are a customized product that cannot be resold we DO NOT provide refunds for dogtags once they are made according to your original order specifications. Please note that rubber silencers may eventually wear down and tear which is to be expected.
If you are unsatisfied with a non-customized product we will replace it or refund it at our expense.
We cannot make delivery guarantees, even with Express shipping, however we do make every effort to have your packaged shipped within 1 business day.
For further re-assurance, please see our Review Page here to see feedback from our tens of thousands of satisfied customers since 2008.
Where do you ship from?
Orders destined to UNITED STATES are shipped via United States Postal Service (USPS) with tracking from New York State. Although we are based in Toronto, Canada we introduce our packages same-day directly into USPS using Stallion Express, a 3rd party cross border delivery service. In the unlikely event that your package gets delayed or lost in transit with USPS we wait 2 weeks before resending, as we do Guarantee delivery.
Orders destined to CANADA are shipped via Canada Post from our facility in Toronto, Canada. Tracking numbers for small orders are not provided for Canada, however an Express option with tracking is available.
International orders to select countries are shipped via Asendia through the USA. Tracking is provided upon request.
Can I pick up my order locally?
Sorry, but we do not offer a local pickup service in Ashburn,Virginia.
Where do you ship to?
We ship within the USA via USPS, within Canada via Canada Post, and internationally to select countries via Asendia
If your international country is not in the above list, please consider using a 3rd party international mail forwarding service like Stackry.com.
What are my shipping options?
All shipping rates are dependent upon the total weight of your order. Most orders consisting of 3 or less dogtag sets qualify for our minimum shipping rate of $5. The shipping cost of heavier orders can usually be offset by using the "bulk" coupon code for a bulk discount. We offer the following shipping methods:
With Standard Mail service your order will usually be shipped by the next business day and you can expect to receive it within the following delivery timeframes:
- Ontario: 3 to 4 days
- Canada First Class Mail: 5 to 7 days without tracking
- U.S.A. First Class Mail: 5 to 7 days with tracking
- International Airmail via Asendia: From 1 to 3 weeks (Most Western European countries are usually about 1 week) with tracking
With Xpresspost express delivery service your order will be shipped by the following business day with a tracking number and insurance and you can expect to receive it within the following delivery timeframe starting the business day after your order is placed:
- Ontario: 1 to 2 business days
- Canada: 2 to 3 business days
- U.S.A.: 2 to 3 business days
- International: Express shipping is available upon specific request
Please take this into consideration before placing your order with Xpresspost shipping:
We strive to ship all items on the day the order was placed, however we have no control over your shipment once in the hands of the postal service. As such we do not take responsibility for deliveries that do not arrive by a certain date. The closer you are to the East coast, the shorter the shipping time will be. In the event that it takes 5 business days please be aware that it may overlap onto a weekend when postal delivery service may not be available.
Do you ship to APO/FPO ?
We are pleased to serve the men and women of the armed forces and shipping via APO/FPO is not a problem however your order will likely take a few weeks to arrive. The rate for shipping to the APO/FPO system is the same as for the rest of the USA. Be sure to inquire about our military discount!
Customer Service
- Can I get a discount on my order?
There are many ways to get discounted or even FREE dogtags and other gifts...
Please note that discounts and promos are not cumulative, meaning that if you qualify for more than one discount code only the larger of the two will be applied.
- Coupon Code Discount
Social Media, Military personnel, Email List Subscribers, Facebook fans, and repeat customers save big!
- Bulk Order Discount
Order 3 or more dogtag sets and save up to 50%!
- Dogtag Promo Word Discount
Support good causes by adding specific promo keywords to your dogtags and a discount will automatically be applied!
- Affiliate Discounts
Discounts for members of your team, organization or website.
Coupon Code Discounts
Social Media 15% Discount
Post your Dogtag to Pinterest
, Facebook
, Twitter
, Google+
, Tumblr
, or your own blog site by using one of the buttons on the Dogtag Generator page and get a 15% discount on your order. Our social media handle is @MyDogtags.
If posting on Facebook make sure that you select the "Public" sharing setting
. Then simply enter the website URL link to your post in the coupon code box at the top of the shopping cart page and a 15% discount will be automatically applied.
The dogtag you post on social media does not have to be the same as the one you actually order! In fact it is not a good idea to post any private information.
We manually check for the posting before processing your order, so please do not remove it after ordering. Having trouble? Contact us via the "Live Support" chatbox in the bottom right corner.
Military & Law Enforcement Professionals 25% discount
We are pleased to offer a 25% discount to active duty or veteran Canadian, USA, and NATO Military or Police force personnel. We also offer this discount for dogtags made in a memorial tribute to fallen or wounded soldiers. Contact us using your military email address with your info and we will provide you with a coupon code.
Mailing List 10% Discount
Sign up to our mailing list to get notified about our new products and promotions and get a 10% discount on your order.
Facebook Fan 10% Discount
Like our Facebook page to get a 10% discount.
Dog Tag Key Word Discount
We support the following causes and are pleased to offer a discount to our customers who do too. The system will automatically apply the discount if one of these phrases is found anywhere on your Dog Tag:
25% per tag - Help promote our website. Save 50% if you put it on both tags! - ORGAN DONOR
25% - Make your wishes known and help save a life! - GOLD STAR FAMILY
25% - Gold Star families are the relatives of US military members who died in battle. - SUPPORT OUR TROOPS or LEST WE FORGET or FREEDOM IS NOT FREE
25% - Show your support and admiration for those who risk their lives and those who have fallen. - PTSD
25% - Not All wounds are visible. Help promote PTSD awareness.
Note that a coupon code will always override a dogtag keyword even if it results in a lower discount.
FREE Dogtags!
We offer the following ways to get a FREE set of dogtags, including FREE shipping!
Free sample dogtag
See here for details
FREE Dogtags & $50 Bonus when you open Tangerine.ca account!
Just open up a new online savings account at Tangerine.ca with an initial deposit of $100 using our Orange key 35308745S1. Not only will they give you a
$25$50 bonus, but we will also give you a coupon code for a FREE basic dogtag set with FREE shipping.Why are we offering this? In addition to giving you the
$25$50 bonus, they also give us a referral bonus which pays for the cost of your Dogtags. Everybody wins!To qualify, make sure to enter our Orange Key: 35308745S1
Mydogtag.com is NOT affiliated in any way with Tangerine Bank. Neither our website, products, nor this offer are endorsed by Tangerine Bank and the terms of their bonus offer are subject to change at their discretion.
Gift Review and Blogger FREE Evaluation Dogtag Set
If you run an active blog, gift idea, product review, or box-opening Youtube channel we would be pleased to send you a FREE set of dogtags for review. Please Contact us with a proposal and include your website URL.
Photographer FREE Photoshoot Dogtag Set
Are you an amateur or professional photographer with a interest in shooting dogtags? If you share your photographs with us and on social media we would be pleased to send you some FREE dogtags and related items for your shoot. We prefer "action" shots with dogtags being worn by people or being used in unique situations. Please Contact us and include some of your work or a link to your portfolio website.
In exchange for the dogtags we request royalty-free web-sized copies of at least 2 photographs for use on our website and facebook page. If we use your photos we will credit you with a link back to your portfolio.
Free Gift
Order at least 2 dogtag sets, and choose a FREE gift! (Max of 1 free gift per order).
Bulk Order Scaling Discount
If you require 3 or more dogtag sets you qualify for a scaling bulk discount as per the following table and graph. The more you order the larger your discount will be, from 10% up to a maximum of 50%! Simply enter the coupon code BULK in the shopping cart and it will be automatically applied and updated as you increase the quantity of dogtag sets.
Each dogtag in a bulk order may be customized individually however bulk Dogtag set orders may not come individually packaged in plastic bags.
If you require bulk dogtags without chains or silencers, please contact us with your requirements and quantity.
Qty of Sets Discount Cost per Set Total Cost Savings per set Total Savings n 10ln(n - 1) 1 0% $9.99 9.99 $0.00 $0.00 2 0% $9.99 19.98 $0.00 $0.00 3 10% $8.99 26.97 $1.00 $3.00 4 11% $8.89 35.57 $1.10 $4.40 5 14% $8.61 43.03 $1.38 $6.90 6 16% $8.38 50.29 $1.61 $9.66 7 18% $8.20 57.40 $1.79 $12.53 8 19% $8.05 64.37 $1.94 $15.52 9 21% $7.91 71.21 $2.08 $18.72 10 22% $7.79 77.95 $2.20 $22.00 15 26% $7.35 110.30 $2.64 $39.60 20 29% $7.05 140.97 $2.94 $58.80 30 34% $6.63 198.78 $3.36 $100.80 50 39% $6.10 305.10 $3.89 $194.50 75 43% $5.69 426.77 $4.30 $322.50 100 46% $5.40 539.95 $4.59 $459.00 150 50% $5.00 749.25 $5.00 $750.00 200 50% $5.00 999.00 $5.00 $1,000.00
Affiliate Dogtags
Would members of your team, organization, company or website would be interested in dogtags that promote your cause? If so, we can setup dogtag promo words for your group so that you pass savings along directly to your members!
To get the discount, all your members would have to do is to make sure that they put your promo words on their dogtags. For example, if you group name is PAINTBALL WARRIORS, your members would simply input this phrase on one of the dogtags and the discount would be applied automatically.
To make things even easier for your members, you can first create a dogtag template on our order page and then click the
button. This will generate the link code for your own website so that your members can use your template as a starting point!
Please contact us if you would like to request your own dogtag keyword discount code.
- Coupon Code Discount
Can I read feedback from other customers?
Customer reviews can be viewed here.
- Can you sponsor my Charity, Event or Team?
MyDogtag.com gives back to the military community by sponsoring military and veteran organizations with free dogtags, often in memory and support of deceased and injured veterans and their families. See the charities we support here.
We also offer partial sponsorship for civilian teams, events, competitions, and charities by way of reduced price dogtags to your members or participants. In return for sponsorship we appreciate promotional consideration such as a linkback from your website, and our logo included in any media you may distribute. We can also send you a box of mydogtag.com discount promo cards to hand out at your event. Please contact us with a proposal if you feel our dogtags would be a good fit.
Can I use your Dogtag Generator images on my website?
You are free to use dogtag images created with our Dogtag Generator for non-commercial purposes. If you would like to use the image for commercial purposes, please ask our permission first. In most cases, as long as you will not be using the images on a competitor website we will allow it if it includes a link back to our website.
Can I let my gift recipient customize his dogtags?
Dogtags make great low-cost gifts, but what if you want to let your gift recipient customize his dogtags himself? We can provide printable gift certificates so that you can pay now and present it as a gift but still let him create and order his own dogtags at a later date.
What is your privacy policy?
At MyDogtag.com we take your privacy seriously...
We do NOT require that you create an account on our website to place an order. Rather, if paying via credit card or PayPal, your payment and dogtag information is processed and stored directly by the secure payment processor of your choice: PayPal.com or Stripe.com. Our payment processors never provides us with your payment details directly so WE NEVER KNOW YOUR CREDIT CARD NUMBER ! We are only provided with your address to facilitate shipping, and your order details for making your dogtags and other shopping cart items.
After your order is shipped we retain your shipping address information in case your package needs to be resent, however we NEVER provide or sell this information to a 3rd party.
The information you put on your dogtags is kept fully confidential and passes straight from your order file on our computer system to the automated embossing machine, it is never re-typed by a human. Although our staff may discretely review your dogtags to ensure accuracy and quality control, our policy of non-censorship ensures that the contents remain none of our business! However you do assume the risk and liability in the unlikely event that your order is lost or stolen in the mail in which case the information on your Dog Tags (i.e. Social Security Number) may be compromised. As such you may want to consider using XXX's for part of your number (i.e. 608-XX-8293).
Mydogtag.com uses browser cookies for keeping track of the information on your dogtags so that if you visit us again in the future the website will remember your dogtag design (for up to 30 days). This information is stored locally on your own device, not on our webserver! We also use cookies for keeping track of your shopping cart using a Session ID. We do NOT use cookies for storing any payment, address, or login information.
Mydogtag.com also instructs your browser via javascript to send some of your basic browser information (no personal details) to the following trusted 3rd parties:
- Facebook.com for showing photos and hyperlinks to the Facebook pages of Facebook users who have voluntarily liked and left reviews for Mydogtag.com.
- Google Analytics for tracking visitor traffic statistics.
- Tawk.to for customer chat.
Are you a "Green" business?
We aim to minimize our carbon footprint and impact on the environment.
Green Web Hosting
Mydogtag.com is hosted with Dreamhost, a carbon neutral webhost.
How do I link to your website or help promote your dogtags?
How can I contact you?
Send your questions and comments via email to support@mydogtag.com, and we will respond within 1 business day.
If you have a question that you need answered right away, we are available from 9AM to 5PM EST via the online chat interface in the bottom right corner of the webpage or via telephone at +1 (845) 208-0780. Note that we do not provide phone support for FREE dogtag orders.
We do not have a retail storefront, regular mail can be addresed to:
See our contact page for more contact options.